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Welcome to CII and the Cactus Intertie System

Established in 1971, the Cactus Intertie System is a private UHF Amateur Radio network consisting of a large number of remotely controlled base stations, or “Remote Bases” for short, which are primarily interconnected utilizing full duplex RF links. This linked network covers large portions of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Texas. The system also extends into Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Georgia, and Montana.

The Cactus Intertie System was originally designed, constructed, and maintained by the Cactus Radio Club (aka - Cactus LA) which is now incorporated as Cactus Intertie, Inc. (CII) a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

[Donors please see bottom of this page]

A large number of similar groups have affiliated with CII (see Affiliate Clubs) to help expand the Cactus Intertie System and support its operation. These systems are accessed using locally coordinated frequencies and are often located on mountain peaks that provide wide area coverage.  The early development of and adherence to high technical commercial standards in the RF equipment, audio tailoring and the system controller requirements, makes the Cactus Intertie System one of the most reliable and best sounding fully duplexed linked radio systems in the nation.

The remote bases and network operating centers owned, operated, and maintained by CII are funded by donations and membership.  Mountain top radio site rent, as well as the radio equipment doesn’t come without on-going costs. Therefore, it is important for us to maintain a healthy and supportive membership.  Furthermore, it takes member involvement to achieve our mission to provide communications support for public events and emergency/disaster service organizations.  We are proud of our ongoing support to the American Red Cross and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.

If our organization appeals to your values and you have a desire to be more involved in both the Amateur Radio Service and public service, please visit our Membership page for more information.  Or, if you simply wish to support CII and the Cactus Intertie System, please consider donating to our non-profit organization using the “Donate” link below.  

Thank you for your interest.

Want to know more about how YOU can get involved with Cactus? Check out our GET INVOLVED page!

Cactus Intertie, Inc. - Donations

Support for CII can be a qualified 501(c)(3) donation

Cash Donations may be made in one of four ways:


Mail check for the
donation amount to:

Cactus Intertie, Inc.
1107 Fair Oaks Ave, #142
South Pasadena, CA 91030-3311


Make a Donation to
Cactus Intertie, Inc.


to your Venmo app
and Scan QR Code below

Tap DONATE button and
enter donation amount
plus Callsign and "Donation".


Logon to your bank account
having Zelle authority and
send donation amount to:


Donations are accepted as without restriction unless specific instructions are provided to the CFO/Treasurer.
Bank Check and Zelle donations are preferred since they avoid payment processing fees.
CII Members please use the Membership page for Membership donations.