Get Involved
Cactus members are encouraged to get involved with the organization. One of our main purposes is support what ham radio can do to improve community involvement and communication. Besides providing a public service for both emergency and non-emergency communication, many Cactus members are also known as technical innovators. These innovators have both skills and knowledge to help both improve and maintain our system of radios. And even if you are not a techy, there are a number of other things you can do to help. So please take a moment to review the list below and get involved in supporting our organization.
Technical Activities:
Repeater maintenance, repair design & development.
Controller development, programming & repair.
Power wiring, repair, and back-up battery systems.
Antenna fiberglass repair, tower climbing.
Running feedline, installing connectors, cleaning equipment.
Building radios and mounting equipment in racks.
Providing test equipment for use.
Support Activities:
Radio site brush clearing, sweeping/cleaning, painting.
General construction repair and road repair.
Moving and transporting equipment, providing storage.
Annual meeting organization, set-up, teardown, raffle prizes, marketing and sales.
Club management; bookkeeping, manual maintenance and Printing, merchandise, secretary, BOD member
Webpage management and updates.
Public Relations: Promote organization by sharing how we support the community and emergency communications.
As one can see, there are a lot of activities requiring membership help. It is not necessary for you to be a technical innovator, as you likely have some skill, knowledge or equipment which can benefit the organization. Please take the time to get involved. We sincerely need member involvement as our organization is large and in need of on-going care and nurturing. Something this big cannot survive when only a few do it all. So again, please reach out to our Club leadership and let them know how you can help. Thank you!