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Cactus Intertie System Educational Materials are only available if you are a member in good standing of Cactus Intertie, Inc. (CII) or a Cactus Affiliate group.  Do not order if you are not a member in good standing, refunds for unauthorized orders are not available.

Cactus Intertie System Educational Materials are available to members for a donation amount intended to help offset the cost of production, shipping, and on-line processing fees.  Orders should be submitted using the PayPal links listed in the Educational Materials Orders Form at the bottom of this page. Volume purchases by Affiliates can be requested as described below.

IMPORTANT: When you order using PayPal, to ensure everything is processed using accurate information, please follow-up your donation with a message to the Educational Materials Manager at "materials (@) cactus-intertie (dot) org" identifying what you ordered, your name, callsign, and delivery address.


Operations ManualsĀ 

The Cactus Operations Manual is updated annually to incorporate various changes made through-out the system during the year. The Operations Manual is available in a 6" x 8" mini size or a digital PDF copy that comes on a USB thumb drive. The Cactus Operations Mini Manuals have a laminated front and rear cover and a spiral binding, allowing the manual to be folded back on itself for use during traveling. The digital-format PDF Cactus Operations Manual is a read-only file in PDF file format supplied on a USB Drive. There are several additional files on the USB Drive including programming files for various radios with all the sites and frequency updates, a Cactus Link map and GPS location file.

CII members and Affiliate representatives are encouraged to pre-order manuals to ensure availability. All CII members, and Affiliate members who plan on attending the Cactus System Annual Meeting (NO Annual Meeting in 2025), are encouraged to pre-order using the PayPal link below.

Affiliate representatives who wish to guarantee availability of a large number of any item may pre-order materials for their affiliate group by sending an e-mail to the Educational Materials Manager at:  "materials (@) cactus-intertie (dot) org" . Please indicate the quantity of each item desired (minimum pre-package order quantity is 20). Materials Management will contact you and inform you of the cost of the order. Provisions for payment will be determined at that time. The order will be packaged and ready for pick-up at the Annual Meeting (NO Annual Meeting in 2025), or will be shipped as required.  All pre-orders must be received by Cactus on or before March 1st, in each given year, in order for us to meet our printing deadline and ensure delivery.  Bulk orders can be placed at any time but are subject to availability.

Pre-order manuals purchased on-line will be available at the Annual Meeting (NO Annual Meeting in 2025), or will be shipped as required.  There will be a limited number of copies printed in addition to the total pre-orders, so order early as you may not be able to receive a manual later in the year.  Orders are filled on a first-come-first-served basis.  Once they are all gone, they are gone until next year.

Quick Reference CardsĀ 

The Quick Reference Prefix Card is a two (2) sided card that lists all the site names, the prefix, frequency and CTCSS for all sites on the Cactus Intertie System.  This card is laminated.

The Quick Reference Function Card lists the common standard control functions for most Cactus sites.  This card is also laminated and comes in just one size.

Examples of the cards are not available because they contain Cactus Intertie System proprietary information.

Educational Materials Order Form

You will have the ability to adjust item quantities when you select "Add to Cart".
When in Cart, select "Continue Shopping" in upper right corner to purchase
additional items. If PayPal fails to return you to this page, click on FORM
in upper right corner to return here. To avoid added PayPal fees, do not
"Check Out" until you have selected all of the items you want.




Select to Add Item to Cart

2025 Operations Manual
6" x 8" Mini

2025 Operations Manual / Code Plugs / Supplemental Data - PDF
USB Thumb Drive
Cactus Logo Sticker 4" Round $3.00
Quick Reference Prefix Card
5" x 7 1/2" Mini
Quick Reference Prefix Card
8" x 10" Full
Quick Reference Function Card
5" x 7 1/2" Mini