Technical Support
Various members of the Cactus Intertie System have developed technical designs and requirements for high quality Repeaters and Remote Base operations. The Cactus Intertie System is pleased to share this information with other amateur operators, clubs or systems through this web site. This page contains information about the Palomar Telecom RBC-700 Series Controller and some general links of interest to amateur radio.
FCC RF EMF Guidelines
As of January 1, 1998, all Amateur Radio Stations are required to be compliant with the FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields as contained in OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01, dated August, 1997 and Supplement B, Edition 97-01, dated November 1997. The FCC, can at any time, require any amateur radio operator to show compliance to the guidelines. This applies to an amateur's home station, repeaters, remotes, auxillary stations the amateur is trustee of, etc. To view and or download OET Bulletin 65 and Supplement B click on this link, OET 65.
The Cactus Intertie, Inc. has developed an Excel spreadsheet based on the worksheets contained in Supplement B to OET Bulletin 65. This spreadsheet can assist the amateur licensee in showing compliance to the Human Exposure guidelines. To download a ZIP file of the RF Exposure spreadsheet, click on RF Exposure.
The accuracy of the calculations showing an amateurs compliance to the FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields as contained in OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01, dated August, 1997 and Supplement B, Edition 97-01, dated November 1997 is the sole responsibility of the individual amateur. The Cactus Intertie, Inc. is providing this Excel spreadsheet as a guide in assisting the amateur in showing compliance. The Cactus Intertie, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any calculations made by an amateur using this spreadsheet, nor for the accuracy of this spreadsheet.
The Palomar Telecom RBC-700 Series Controller was derived primarily from Cactus Intertie System design requirements and original Cactus audio processing designs. The Palomar Telecom RBC-700 Series Controlleris the most widely used controller in the Cactus Intertie System, therefore the Cactus Intertie, Inc. will continue to support the Controller in both hardware and software to the best of our abilities. Improvements in the design of the controller, by various members of the Cactus Intertie System, have been documented as Technical Application Notes and can be viewed or downloaded from this site. If you already have the Adobe Acrobat Reader application installed on your computer, the documents can be viewed from this site. You may also download the Technical Application Notes to your computer for viewing later. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader application on your computer, a link is provided below, for your convenience, to the Adobe Systems Incorporated web site. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is freeware provided by the application developer.
For more information about hardware and software support, or to order any of the available hardware or software components for the Palomar Telecom RBC-700 Series Controller, please send us a message via the contact page.
Do you wish to sell your Palomar Telecom RBC-700 Series Controller?
The Cactus Intertie, Inc. is committed to providing support to everyone, to the best of our abilities, for the Palomar Telecom RBC-700 Series Controller. However, if you have decided to replace your Palomar Telecom RBC-700 Series Controller, the Cactus Intertie, Inc. is interested in buying it. For more information, or negotiate a selling price, please send an e-mail to Cactus Intertie, Inc via the contact page.
Be sure to include all the technical configuration details of your controller.
Hardware Available for Palomar Telecom RBC-700 Series Controller
Autopatch Card
The Cactus Intertie, Inc. now has documentation for the Autopatch Card. The documentation includes schematic, layout, Pin-Out List and Parts List. If your controller contains an Autopatch Card and your manual does not contain the Autopatch Card documentation, you can request a copy of the documentation by sending an e-mail to Cactus Radio, Inc via the contact page.
This documentation is available only in paper form, not in electronic form. Please remember to include your name, callsign, address, and if you wish your club/group name. Very few of the Autopatch Cards were produced. At this time, the only Autopatch Cards available have been ones that have been removed from existing controllers. The Cactus Intertie, Inc. does not have any autopatch cards available, at this time.
Software for Non-Cactus Intertie System Sites
There is no software available for Non-Cactus Intertie System sites at this time.
Software for Cactus Intertie System Sites
Upgraded software, Version 2.03, is available for Cactus Intertie System sites only. We do not have upgraded software for non-Cactus sites at this time. This upgraded software can be obtained from Cactus Intertie, Inc. for a $20.00 per copy donation. The software is in stock and available for immediate delivery. The software comes with installation and configuration instructions. To order the software, download a copy of the ORDER FORM and mail it to the Cactus Intertie, Inc. at the address on the form.
Upgrades from versions prior to Version 2.00
Several programmable features, shown below, were added with Version 2.00 software. If your controller uses a Voice Card, a new set of EPROMS will be needed for the Voice card. If your Voice Card has 2 EPROMs, it is configured for Palomar Software prior to Version 2.00. If your Voice Card has 3 EPROMs, it is configured for Palomar Software Version 2.00 or later and does not need to be upgraded.
CW Identifier programming |
Link Exclusive Connections (751 Configuration only) |
Programmable Remote Base Transcieve Time-out Timer |
Repeater Identifier Message Selection |
Programmable Macro Function Codes |
2 Meter Remote Base Selection |
Link Prefix Programming |
User Output Pulse Commands |
220 MHz Remote Base Selection |
Location ID Programming |
Power Amplifier Delay Controls |
Programmable SP-24 Board |
Tone Generator Board Selection |
Telephone Interconnect |
New Voice Master Library |
Upgrades to Version 2.00
Several bugs were discovered in the Version 2.00 software. There is a significant problem with the Remote Base operation in Version 2.00 software. It is strongly recommended that any Cactus Intertie System site that has an operational Remote Base and is using any Version 2.00 software should upgrade to Version 2.01c as soon as possible. The default software volume levels have been changed to reduce the amount of programming necessary. Most of the software volume levels don't need adjustment. A Boot-Up macro was added.
Upgrades to Version 2.02
There were two (2) coding errors in the Version 2.01 software that were corrected in the Version 2.02 software.
1) Version 733 Interface Normal command did not disconnect the Remote Base 3 receiver from the Link transmitters.
2) Corrected the Voice Date readout to read year 20XX instead of year 19XX
3) Corrected A/D function. Requires a hardware modification also.
It is strongly recommended that any Cactus Intertie System site that has a Voice Card and is using any Version 2.00 software should upgrade to Version 2.02. as soon as possible.
Enhancements to Version 2.02
Link to Link Carrier Delay |
Link CTCSS Status Telemetry |
Programmable Hour Timer Macro |
Read A/D Input as Wattmeter (50 Watt scale) |
Link Identifier Enable and Disable |
Configurations available
721 - Repeater, 2 links, Synthesized 2 Meter Remote Base
733a - Repeater, 3 links, Synthesized 2 Meter Remote Base, Synthesized 220 Mhz Remote Base, Synthesized 10 Meter Remote Base
733b - Repeater, 3 links, Synthesized 2 Meter Remote Base, Synthesized 6 Meter Remote Base, Synthesized 10 Meter Remote Base
751a - Repeater, 5 links, Synthesized 2 Meter Remote Base
751b - Repeater, 5 links, Synthesized 6 Meter Remote Base
The following Acrobat PDF documents are available for viewing or download. To download, press and hold the SHIFT key and click on the desired document.
RBC-700 Technical Application Notes
Technical Application Note #1 Revision E, January 21, 1998
Modifications to the Palomar Telecom RBC-700 Series Controller
In an attempt to optimize the operation of the Palomar Telecom RBC-700 Series Controller, some modifications to improve the performance of the controller were developed. The various modifications in this Technical Application Note improve the audio frequency response of the system from input to output and enhance the noise immunity and the decode performance of the Touch-Tone ® decoder in noisy receive conditions. A missing trace on the Squelch card has also been identified.
Modifications to the following cards are described individually:
Squelch card
Audio Filter card
Audio Mixer card
Touch-Tone ® Decoder card
View Technical Application Note #1
To Download, press and hold the SHIFT key and click on Technical Application Note #1
Technical Application Note #2 Revision A, January 21, 1998
Cactus Standard Audio Requirements
This Technical Application Note describes the Cactus Standard Audio Requirements. This document details the audio response requirements and the procedures for setting the repeat levels for the Cactus Intertie System.
View Technical Application Note #2
To Download, press and hold the SHIFT key and click on Technical Application Note #2
Technical Application Note #3 Revision A, January 21, 1998
Alignment Procedure for the Palomar Telecom RBC-700 Series Controller
This Technical Application Note describes alignment procedure for a Palomar Telecom RBC-700 Series Controller. This alignment procedure assumes that the controller needs a complete audio alignment. The following instructions are individually described:
Initial Setup Parameters
Repeater Setup Procedure
Link Setup Procedure
Receive Audio to Transmit Audio Setup Procedure
Remote Base Setup Procedure
Touch-Tone ® Decoder Setup Procedure
Squelch Threshold Adjustment Procedure
View Technical Application Note #3
To Download, press and hold the SHIFT key and click on Technical Application Note #3
Technical Application Note #4 Revision B, January 21, 1998
Modification Instructions for the Link Communications RLC Series Controllers
This Technical Application Note describes the modifications that need to be incorporated into a Link Communications ® RLC series controller to achieve near Cactus Standard Audio response. These modification instructions also require the use of the Armadillo Intertie ® 1016 Radio Card, or its equivalent, for audio tailoring of each receiver and transmitter used with the controller.
The following instructions are individually described:
General Information
Input (Receive) Buffer Modifications
RLC-MOT Squelch Interface Modifications
Output (Transmitter) Buffer Modifications
Telemetry Generator Modifications
Audio Alignment Procedure
NOTE: The Link Communications Controller is not approved for use on the Cactus Intertie System. The stock controller configuration does not support the audio or the telemetry technical requirements of the Cactus Intertie System. Modifications to the audio processing, contained in this document, will provide near Cactus Standard audio quality. The hardware design of the Link Communications Controller is not capable supporting the telemetry requirements of the Cactus Intertie System.
View Technical Application Note #4
To Download, press and hold the SHIFT key and click on Technical Application Note #4
Technical Application Note #5 Revision A, January 21, 1998
Modifications to the Motorola Mitrek 406 - 420 MHz Mobile Radio
This Technical Application Note describes the modifications, duplexing and alignment procedures for a Motorola Mitrek 406 to 420 MHz, 30 watt mobile radio for use in the amateur radio 420 MHz link service. While these instructions are primarily intended to provide instructions for the 406 to 420 MHz mobile radio, they can also be used for modifying a 450 to 470 MHz mobile radio for repeater service.
NOTE: When duplexed, the 406 - 420 MHz Mitrek mobile radio creates spurs due to the single motherboard design. It is not recommended to place a duplexed 406 - 420 MHz Mitrek mobile radio in a high RF environment such as in a commercial mountaintop communications site due to the interference it will cause. Two (2) Mitreks should be used, one (1) modified for transmit service and one (1) modified for receive service. The 450 - 470 MHz Mitrek mobile radio does not have the spurious problem.
View Technical Application Note #5
To Download, press and hold the SHIFT key and click on Technical Application Note #5
Technical Application Note #6 Revision B, November 9, 2003
Motorola T-1500 Cavity Refurbishment Procedure
This Technical Application Note describes the process for disassembling, cleaning and reassembling the Motorola T-1500 Series Cavities. Excerpts from the Motorola T-1500 Series Cavity Datasheet are also included in the Technical Application.
View Technical Application Note #6
To Download, press and hold the SHIFT key and click on Technical Application Note #6

FCC Links including Amateur Licensing Forms
Form 605 Amateur Operator/ Primary Station License |
On line Vanity Callsign Application Form |
Form 610b Amateur Club, RACES or Military Recreation Station License |
Amateur On-line renewal Form 900, License Renewal and Change of Name or Address limited to 120 days BEFORE renewal |
All FCC forms |
FCC Amateur Radio Services Section |