Guadalupe Peak is at an elevation of 2,520 feet above mean sea level and has a commanding view of Interstate 10 eastward to Phoenix. The view of lights of Phoenix and the cars driving on Interstate 10 is stellar when viewed from the site at night. The pictures below show a side view of the container and the tower.
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Here is a picture taken from Guadalupe looking east down Interstate 10 towards Phoenix. Phoenix is about where the horizon is. |
The Guadalupe Peak site has 4 open frame racks mounted along the centerline of the container which house the Cactus remote. The Cactus remote consists of a Palomar Telecom Controller, a Motorola Micor Base Station Remote, with the transmitter driving a PERK 225 watt power amplifier set to 175 watts for a net duplexer output of 125 watts. Two of the links consist of Motorola Mitreks as transmitters and GE MASTR Pro wideband receivers. The third link, to Lake Havasu, is a 420 Megahertz Motorola MSY. The fourth link consist of two (2) Motorola Mitreks one transmitters and one receiver. There is a GE MASTR II high band remote base on 146.46 MHz. The ZIA has been replaced with and open 2 Meter repeater on the same frequency. It is currently a stand alone repeater but will be linked into California in the future.
This picture shows the 4 open frame racks with all the equipment installed. Starting at the back wall, the first rack contains the Motorola Micor 440 base station remote, the PERK 1/4 KW power amplifier and the T1507 duplexer. The second rack contains the Palomar Telecom controller and the GE MASTR II power supply for the 2 Meter Remote Base. The third rack contains the Motorola 420 MSY Lake Havasu link, the other three Motorola Mitrek link transmitters, the one Motorola Mitrek link receiver, the two GE MASTR Pro wideband link receivers and the GE MASTR II 2 Meter Remote Base. The fourth and last rack contains the ZIA 2 Meter repeater and the Motorola 420 MST link radio.
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The picture at the left shows the installation of the new cable rack and the new air conditioner that was installed during the July 2000 work party. The picture below shows the installation of the new Microflect plate along with the polyphasers for lightning protection. The grounding plates still need to be installed at the site.
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Revised: May 7, 2011 by WA6PYJ
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