Martin W. Plass KA5LZG

Member of Intertie, Inc.

- March 23, 1999

It is with great personal regret that we record the passing of long time Member/Sponsor/Secretary-Treasurer of Intertie, Inc., Martin W. Plass KA5LZG on March 23, 1999.

Marty for many years has anchored our Corpus Christi operations. He was trustee of our Odem (San Patricio County) radio site. As Secretary-Treasurer, he kept our corporate activities well documented.

Marty was an officer of the Texas VHF FM Society - a Member of the Board a few years back. And he has served in numerous leadership capacities with his local radio club. He was an active packeteer, with a BBS in Corpus Christi.

Most of all, he was a most steady good friend. All of us will miss him greatly!

Larry Higgins W5EX
May 16, 1999